Functional Skills Level 2 Leeds

If you’re seeking functional skills courses in Leeds or need to find a nearby functional skills centre, we can help. Our service aids students of all ages in locating Level 2 Maths and English functional skills courses in Leeds and the surrounding areas.

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Introduction to Functional Skills Leeds

Employers and universities frequently require Functional Skills Level 2 qualifications in Maths and English, as they are equivalent to a GCSE grade 4/C. If you did not pass your GCSEs, these Ofqual-approved qualifications can provide access to various courses and apprenticeships, including those in policing, teaching, and nursing. Unlike GCSEs, you can take the exam at any time of the year, making it easier to meet job and university application deadlines. Additionally, Functional Skills exams are generally processed and marked faster than GCSE results.

Exam boards we work with:

Functional Skills Level 2 Courses

Our online Functional Skills Level 2 courses thoroughly cover the government specification. The course is divided into smaller sections, making all topics more manageable and ensuring smooth progress. With hundreds of revision materials and practice questions, our Maths and English Level 2 online courses are designed to help you pass your exam.

The self-paced, online format of our courses offers exceptional flexibility, allowing you to work through the material at your own speed and spend extra time on topics where you need it. To maximize your chances of passing, we recommend dedicating around 50 hours to the course.

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Functional Skills Level 2 Online Exam

Register for your Functional Skills Level 2 online exams through MME Exams and complete the entire qualification from the comfort of your own home. We collaborate with Open Awards and City & Guilds to provide Ofqual-regulated exams. An online invigilator will oversee your exam to ensure everything runs correctly.
Book your English Exam Today Book your Maths Exam Today

Locations in Leeds

Belle IsleHarehills
Hyde ParkLeeds City Centre

Speak to one of our functional skills specialists now

If you have any questions feel free to contact a member of our team.

Functional Skills Leeds FAQs

Numerous local schools or colleges offer functional skills courses you can enrol in. If you would prefer, you can sign up for one of our comprehensive online courses. These courses include everything you need to learn the material and get ready to pass the Functional Skills Level 2 online exam.

You can book your exam in a functional skills exam centre, Leeds based or otherwise. Alternatively, we can book and manage an online exam for you, allowing you to concentrate on what’s important—passing the exam!

Of course! Functional Skills qualifications are required by numerous different employers and courses, so they are suitable for learners of all ages and backgrounds. You do not need to meet any entry requirements, so you needn’t worry about your previous experience.

Our courses should be compatible with all major exam boards. The Level 2 Curriculum is established by the government, ensuring similarity across all exam board specifications.