Functional Skills Level 2 Newcastle

Looking for functional skills courses in Newcastle or a nearby place to take your exams? We’re here to help. Our service specialises in assisting people of all ages in finding functional skills courses Newcastle, including Level 2 Maths and English.

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Find a Functional Skills Centre in Newcastle

Introduction to Functional Skills in Newcastle

Level 2 qualifications are crucial, similar to GCSEs, and are requirements by most employers and universities. Achieving Level 2 in Maths and English is like getting a GCSE grade C, which boosts your chances of university admission or job placement. Unlike GCSEs, functional skills exams offer flexibility, available year-round, 6-days a week, with faster results. Plus, they cover less material, making them easier to revise for for everyone.

Functional Skills courses Newcastle

You can easily sign up for functional skills courses in Newcastle through various colleges or study online, including Level 2 online exams. At MME, we make sure you find the right courses or set up convenient online learning.

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Functional Skills exam centre Newcastle

Don’t worry about finding a functional skills exam centre Newcastle. Our network includes exam spots in Newcastle and nearby areas. Whether you’re applying to university, aiming for a career change, or seeking job advancement, functional skills Level 2 qualifications are crucial. Book your functional skills exams with us today and take the next step towards your goals.

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Functional Skills exam centre Newcastle locations

Newcastle City CentreDunston
Arthurs Hill